The oldest salad culture and an excellent dietary product.
An ultra-fast, savory salad crop - harvest 14 days after sowing.
Rich in minerals. Contains many vitamins (C, B, P and others), carotene, essential oils and trace elements that are so necessary for a person during and after a long winter.
Arugula leaves are juicy, dark green, with a refreshing nutty-mustard flavor. They are used in salads, sandwiches, with other herbs, as well as as a seasoning and garnish for various dishes of meat, fish and seafood. It goes well with cheese.
It is recommended to grow from the end of April in the open field, as well as indoors on a windowsill as a pot culture all year round.
Eating arugula promotes the elimination of cholesterol, stimulates metabolism in the body, and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
Eat arugula and be healthy!
Garden rocket salad, Arugula, Roquette. Bot. syn.: Eruca vesicaria (L.) Cav., Brassica eruca L., Brassica erucoides Hornem., Crucifera eruca E.H.L.Krause, Eruca aurea Batt., Eruca cappadocica Reut.
* Arugula.
Even in ancient Rome, rucola was a popular herb and was used as a tonic. The sour-tart leaves work well with other leafy vegetables and are used in salads and stewed vegetable side dishes along with spinach.
Arugula is added to creamy sauces for pasta dishes. Arugula is now widely used in Mediterranean cuisine. For example, in Italy rucola leaves are added to salads, pasta dishes, pizza, risotto.
Arugula can be used in place of basil in pesto sauce. It has a pronounced aroma and a pungent mustard-nutty flavor.
Cooking also uses rucola seed oil, which is added when canning vegetables.
Very unpretentious and resistant to cold weather. In Italy it can be grown all year round, but in the Nordic countries it can also be planted outdoors in early spring.
The more you pinch it, the better it grows: in the morning we break off the leaves, and in the evening new ones grow ...
She is the first to "ripen" and goes to salads with radishes, leaves of still very young lettuce and with tomatoes.
At a temperature of + 18 + 20 degrees, single shoots appear on the 2-3rd, and massive ones on the 5th day.
* Caloric content - low, nutritional value - high.
Like virtually all other greens, arugula is very low in calories. There are only 25 calories in 100 grams of fresh arugula leaves. Despite this, the vegetable contains a lot of vital phytochemicals, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, which are responsible for the health benefits of arugula. First of all, arugula is the richest source of some phytochemicals - indoles, thiocyanates, sulforaphanes and isothiocyanates. All of them are very effective in combating the carcinogenic effects of estrogens. Hence, arugula is very beneficial for the prevention and treatment of cancers of the prostate, breast, cervix, colon and ovaries. For this reason alone, it is obvious that the inclusion of arugula in the diet is necessary for both men and women.
Research shows that regular consumption of arugula actually reduces the risk of cancerous tumors, and also stops the development of these tumors if they already exist.
In addition, arugula is an essential source of vitamin A, thereby preventing skin, lung and oral cavity cancers.
Arugula is a must-have for women.
Arugula is a very good source of folate. 100 grams of fresh herbs contains 97 mcg of folate. This means that the systematic use of arugula in food at the very beginning of pregnancy prevents possible neural tube defects in newborns, which is extremely important and important for women during pregnancy.
In addition, arugula, like many other green leafy vegetables, helps women keep their skin looking youthful. It is enough to regularly include arugula in your diet in order to smooth out fine wrinkles on the face, make the skin color on the face more pleasant and uniform, and return it to its former shine.
For good digestion and strong immunity.
This beneficial property of arugula is due to its high content of B vitamins - thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and pantothenic acid. All of these substances are essential for maintaining optimal enzymatic and metabolic functions. Arugula is useful for various gastric and intestinal diseases, and for food poisoning, it acts almost more effectively than activated carbon ...
Fresh arugula leaves contain a lot of vitamin C, which is a powerful natural antioxidant. Arugula, rich in vitamin C, helps the body defend itself against various viral diseases, develops resistance to infectious agents, improves immunity and removes free radicals from the body. For this reason, for preventive reasons, arugula is useful for everyone: from small to large.
Arugula also contains many minerals, especially copper and iron, as well as calcium, potassium, manganese and phosphorus. This, in turn, also has a general strengthening effect on the human body.
Greens for men and women aged.
Arugula is becoming an invaluable green vegetable when it comes to the elderly. The fact is that arugula is one of the best plant sources of vitamin K - just 100 grams of arugula provides the daily requirement of this vitamin for an adult. Vitamin K, in turn, plays a critical role in bone health, promoting osteotropic activity (building and strengthening bones). This is especially important for men and women of age, whose bones become more fragile every year. In addition, vitamin K stops aging-related damage to neurons in the brain, thus preventing the possibility of Alzheimer's disease.